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Corporate Partnership

FYP's success depends on the strength of our corporate & philanthropic partnerships. 

We welcome opportunities to align private sector priorities with our youth development work. 


Sponsorship Levels

$15,000 Sponsor a "Summer of Fun!"

  • Support jobs for a Play Captain Team (up to 5 teens)

  • Provide uniforms for “your” Team (up to 5 teens) 

  • 15 Yaya Plans a Block Party book to be distributed on "your" block 


Your company name listed on our Playstreets Map, which is on our website and also in our printed materials. The block is "named" after your company, your company logo is listed in written reports for the year and on our wall of fame on our website; and your company logo on our Play Captain Cart, which the teens push through the neighborhood.

$7,500 Sponsor a "Playful Learning Neighborhood" (supplies, games, books,) 

  • Support a team of Play Captains (5 teens) by purchasing the supplies, games, books and snacks for the summer for a neighborhood (Kensington, Mantua, Belmont, Hunting Park) 

  • A set of Yaya Plans a Block Party books to be delivered to each street in the neighborhood 


Your company listed on our Playstreets Map, which is on our website and also in our printed materials; and your company logo is listed in written reports for the year, and on our wall of fame on our website.

$3,500 Sponsor a “Play Captain Block Party Week!” Support the Play Captains’ Block Party Week on the Playstreets.

  • Provide supplies for games, books, snacks and prizes for a team of Play Captains and the neighborhood kids during Block Party Week (3-4 Play Streets for 4 days) 

  • A set of Yaya Plans a Block Party books to be delivered to “your” street during the Block Party Week.


Your company logo on our Block Party Week flyers and we’ll highlight your company on our social media pages.

$2,800 Provide a "Summer or afterschool job" for one teen

  • Help a teen develop a work history by providing them with a summer or afterschool job, as a Play Captain, Safety Captain or Little Library Steward

  • Provide required uniforms to help them stand out in the neighborhood 


​Your company logo listed on our wall of fame on our website, special shout-out in our newsletter and social media pages.

Melanie Jumping rope
Safety Captains Afterschool Jon .JPG

$1,000 Sponsor three "Skills for Fab Life Workshops"

  • Help young people develop the skills they need to successfully "Adult" by sponsoring our "adulting 101" workshops, also called Skills for a Fab Life.


Your company or your name included as sponsor on three S4FL workshops; and your name included on our wall of fame on our website; and special shout-out in our newsletter and on our social media pages.

(C) 2023, Fab Youth Philly

EIN: 85-3823851

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